Re: ..... continuation of re: Unlikely Existence of God (Readability improved.. having browser trouble!)

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 04, 1997 at 11:27:37:

In Reply to: Re: ..... continuation of re: Unlikely Existence of God (Readability improved.. having browser trouble!) posted by Tyler on January 04, 1997 at 08:06:31:

: Also, you or anyone interested in science ought to be reading the book that I am. It is entitled, _The End of Science; Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age_. A very compelling read so far, and you can see a synopsis of it at the Amazon Books link below.

I've heard of this book and it is very short sight. They had once thought that the library at ancient Alexandria contained all the knowledge that could ever be know. Now we produce the equivilent of this library every day. The book doesn't take into account different methods of coming up with new ideas.

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